Japanese Monstera Borsigiana Albo(Whole Plant) Pre-Order


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We are now accepting pre-orders! All plants are well rooted and well acclimated.  First come first pick, 4-6 leafs sample plants as shown in the pictures. 


Estimated delivery date:

GTA Toronto Pickup and Delivery: November-December 2022 

* We will contact you individually to choose your own plant near delivery date.


All other buyers from outside of Toronto GTA area: Spring 2023 


*We will pause the shipping during winter, but don't worry! we will babysitting your plants still next spring, the minimum temperature tolerance for monsteras is 5 °C. 




Monstera borsigiana variegata Albo is extremely sensitive to water and prone to rot. First and most important tip to keep in mind: the potting mix MUST be very light, allowing a lot of air to reach the roots. 



It is very important for your Monstera borsigiana variegata Albo to have good exposure to morning sun, grow lights, or bright natural indirect light. Direct sunlight will cause leaf burn.



Monstera borsigiana Albo Variegata loves humidity, ideally about 65%-70%. Note, we are talking about air humidity. Not soil moisture. Not misting leaves. This is particularly important for young Monstera Albo borsigiana plants. If your room doesn’t have sufficient humidity, a way around it would be grouping a number of plants in one area, or potting your variegated Monstera borsigiana in a larger pot with other aroids.



Monstera borsigiana Albo is extremely sensitive to water. we always let the soil dry completely before watering. Place your variegated Monstera Albo in a shower and give it a good wash, letting soil saturate with water. This will also wash away dust from large leaves and condition aerial roots. Let all the water drain before placing the plant back into decorative pot, make sure you never let variegated Monstera sit in water.

Monstera is mildly toxic to human and pets.




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